
Wow, they FINALLY cleared messed CSS coding so now tag cloud is displayed properly when running Opera. It only took them 4 years to do so (well for past 4 years using Opera it was messed but before I switched to red-O they might have had it messed already).

I really got bored with drawings easly. I can eagerly start a project and after 4-20 hours just trash it or leave it for "later" which most likely never comes. As I had recently personality tests in Job Center it seems like I am more excited about thinking or inventing an idea compared to actual production or creation of it (that's why some of my works which was temporary postponed are... almost scraped).
Basically it makes my look like easy-bored guy without guts but I always end up summing myself as a same creator type as Leonardo Da Vinci who finished only 8 oil paintings while started more then 30 or 40.

As I know my weakest point in creating I can think of a mechanism to counter this thin "laziness" layer and to tell you the truth, I'm thrilled by the idea of creating psychological or such "thing" to do so. It sounds geeky but for most people it can be named as: working on attitude and measuring will power for the expected effects with limited efforts (or even shorter: how to make things quick and in efficient way).

So for today here half-assed sketch and advise: read josei if shonen is boring.

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